From the vessels, piers to workplaces, we highly value the health and safety of our passengers and staff alike.
Enhanced Training for Crew Members on Navigation and Passenger Safety Management
To enhance navigational safety and our crew’s capability of handling emergencies, we hold the Safety Seminar periodically. In the seminars, topics about International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and ports-related ordinances in Hong Kong are covered to refresh the participants’ memory, along with the use of case studies to raise their awareness and to remind them the importance of all-round navigational safety. In addition, staff are arranged to participate in a variety of drills to improve their emergency response capabilities and to ensure the safety of runs and passengers on board.

Installation of Automatic External Defibrillators at Piers
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) are installed at Central Pier 5, Cheung Chau Pier and Mui Wo Pier and our staff are arranged to take relevant training courses.
(Should there is a need to use the AED, please approach the on-duty pier inspector.)

Initiatives to Combat the Novel Coronavirus
Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Hong Kong in 2020, we have been taking corresponding preventive actions. All staff and passengers are legally required to wear masks with the staff’s body temperature being checked before reporting for duty, in addition to the provision of automatic disinfectant dispensers and disinfectant carpets at the piers as well as timely updates on any related COVID-19 cases’ information.

Proactive Measures to Prevent the Spread of Dengue Fever
In the summertime of 2018 while Dengue Fever raged through Hong Kong, we took a step forward on the cleaning and anti-mosquito initiatives such as employing a professional pest control company to strengthen mosquito control measures at piers and onboard, as well as installing mosquito zappers on vessels.