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Notes to Passengers

Welcome on board Sun Ferry! Passengers please take note of the following before boarding.

< Central – Cheung Chau > < Central – Mui Wo > < Inter Islands >

Points to Note for Taking Ferry

  1. For the sake of safety, fasten seat belts if available. Remain seated until the ferry is completely berthed at the pier to avoid accidents.
  2. Mind your head and pay attention to the movement of the gangplank when boarding or alighting the vessel.
  3. Do not stand on the stairs of the vessels. Hold tightly the handrails when going up and down the stairs to ensure safety.
  4. Smoking and gambling are prohibited onboard.
  5. Keep a clean and quiet cabin, lower your voice and dispose of rubbish into the rubbish bin.
  6. Do not lie or put your feet on the seats, or occupy extra seats.
  7. Fold the baby buggy and place your personal belongings properly to avoid causing blockage of passageway.

General Notes

  1. Fare and Seat Arrangements
    1. Passengers should pay corresponding fares according to the departure date with valid ticket for boarding. Holiday (Sundays and Public Holidays) fares are valid from 12:31am on the first day of the holiday to 12:30am on the second day following the last day of the same holiday.
    2. Please check your change and the details of the tickets upon purchase (No change and ticket are provided on Inter Islands’ sailings). Ticket is non-exchangeable or non-refundable. Paying fare difference or upgrading service is not available. If passenger wants to change to other sailing or deluxe class (ordinary ferry) after the fare was paid, passenger is required to purchase the full-fare ticket of the concerned sailing or Class, and no refund for the former purchased ticket could be arranged.
    3. The ticket is valid for the current sailing only. Advance purchase is not allowed. Passengers should not pre-purchase ferry tickets for your companions who have not yet arrived at the pier.
    4. According to Section 2, Chapter 454 of “Coinage Ordinance”, for coins of denominations of $1, $2 and $5, the payment of an amount should not exceed $100. For coins of denominations of 10 cents, 20 cents and 50 cents, the payment of an amount should not exceed $2. The balance paid by the aforesaid denominations will be rejected.
    5. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis; passengers please wait for the next sailing when the current sailing is full.
    6. Passengers please pay for the deluxe-class fare at the piers directly and keep the ferry ticket (for passenger who uses Octopus Card, please take the deluxe-class voucher when passing through the Octopus Turnstile Gate) for boarding deluxe-class cabin. Deluxe-class upgrade service is not available onboard ordinary ferry or at the piers.
  2. Concessionary Fare for Child
    1. Children under three years of age, accompanied by an adult and do not occupy a seat, may travel for free. According to the ferry licence, passenger whose height is 95cm or above is treated as passenger aged 3 or above, unless otherwise proven by equivalent document. Our company reserves the right to require the accompanied adult to produce any documentary proof (e.g. copy of the Birth Certificate) of the child for validation. Failure to produce the proof shall result in the passenger being liable for the child fare.
    2. Children aged between three and under twelve years of age shall pay child fare. Passengers paying child fare are required to produce his/her Octopus and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. student card) for validation or inspection when passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by our staff. Failure to produce the Octopus and/or proof shall result in the passenger being liable for repurchasing a full-fare ticket, and the purchased child ticket will become invalid.
  3. Concessionary Fare for the Elderly
    1. Passenger aged 65 or above purchasing half-fare ticket must produce either HKID card, senior citizen card or equivalent document. Half-fare ticket must be paid in cash.
    2. Holders of JoyYou Cards or Elder Octopus, or Holders of Personalised Octopus aged 65 or above can enjoy the concessionary fares of the "Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities" by using the Octopus. The concerned passengers are required to produce his/her Octopus and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. HKID card) for validation or inspection when passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by our staff. Failure to produce the Octopus and/or proof shall result in the passenger being liable for repurchasing a full-fare ticket.
  4. Concessionary Fare for Disabled
    1. Passenger with disabilities paying concessionary fare must produce valid “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” issued by Central Registry for Rehabilitation of the HKSAR Government. Concessionary fare must be settled by cash.
    2. Holders of Personalised Octopus with “Persons with Disabilities Status” can enjoy the concessionary fares of the “Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible persons with Disabilities” by using that Octopus. The concerned passengers are required to produce his/her Octopus and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. HKID card) for validation or inspection when passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by our staff. Failure to produce the Octopus and/or proof shall result in the passenger being liable for repurchasing a full-fare ticket.
  5. Carriage of Pets on board
    New : Please do not bring any bird or live poultry onboard. No pet is allowed on board the deluxe class of ordinary ferries and fast ferries (except guide dogs accompanying blind people)
    1. Please do not bring any bird or live poultry onboard. No pet is allowed on board the deluxe class of ordinary ferries and fast ferries (except guide dogs accompanying blind people).
    2. Before boarding, passengers shall pay fare for their pets through the ticket office or any designated locations at the pier (except guide dogs accompanying blind people).
    3. According to Section 23 “Part II animals (Dogs) to be kept under control” of Chapter 421 [Rabies Ordinance], (1) unless it is on a leash or is otherwise under control, no Part II animal (Dogs) shall be in — (a) a public place; or (b) any place from which it may reasonably be expected to wander into a public place if it is not on a leash or otherwise under control. (2) Where a Part II animal (Dog) is found in any place in contravention of subsection (1) the keeper of the animal and any person who caused, suffered or permitted the animal to be in that place shall each be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of $10,000. If passenger brings the dog which is not on a leash, boarding will not be allowed.
    4. Pets shall not occupy any seat and put in a handy box/bag whenever feasible.
    5. Our company strongly suggests all passengers having their dogs muzzled to avoid their dogs causing nuisance and fear to other passengers. Our company reserves the right to refuse any carriage of dog that caused disturbance, nuisance or fear to the passengers. Decision of our company shall be final and conclusive.
  6. Carriage of Large Sized Items on board
    1. Accompanied travelling case or bag not exceeding 32 in.(W) x 23 in.(H) x 12 in.(D) in size, baby-car and small shopping trolleys are free of freight charge when boarding ordinary ferry or fast ferry. Each passenger shall bring no more than two travelling cases or bags and follow instruction of our staff and properly store their items in designated place. For bringing any goods/items out of the aforesaid items onboard, passengers shall pay the corresponding freight rate through the freight ticketing office before boarding the ordinary ferry.
  7. Smoking and gambling are prohibited on board and at piers.

Freight Management Procedures For Outlying Islands Routes

  1. No freight is allowed on board fast ferries.
  2. All freight will be served on a first-come-first-served basis.
  3. Freight items shall be charged in proportion to the amount and volume. Our company reserves the right to refuse any freight items sized over 1.5m3 or with safety/hygienic concerns on board.
  4. Freight area on the Triple-deck and Double-deck vessels is about 19m3 and 4.8m3 respectively.
  5. Freight carrier should pay the freight fare at the designated ticket office. Freight carrier is not allowed to place goods or trolleys in the center of the passageway at the pier or on the bridge and should wait at the designated area for boarding under the instruction from our pier staff. Our company reserves the right to refuse carriers to use our freight carriage service who do not follow this rule.
  6. On the vessel, freight must not be placed on passenger seats, the places reserved for wheel chairs, passageways, in front of the gangplank and in front of engine room door. Passengers must follow instruction of our staff.
  7. Adequate manpower must be arranged for loading and unloading of freight and not allowed to cause any delays of sailings’ departures.
  8. Loading and unloading of freight is not allowed until all passengers have left the ferry.
  9. It is carrier’s liability to protect the freight against loss or damage, and the carrier must ensure the freight do not pose any threat/damage to passengers and/or our company. Our company reserves the right to seek all remedies available by law for any injuries/damages on passengers and/or our company due to or arising out of any negligence or default of the carrier.

Carriage Of Dangerous Goods On Board

For the sake of safety, passengers who carry or convey the following categories of dangerous goods and/or any other items classified as dangerous goods by the HKSAR Government and/or any freight items containing dangerous goods shall not be allowed to board our ferries.

Categories Classification Examples
Category 1 Explosives Explosive Powder, Fire Cracker
Category 2 Compressed Gases Acetylene, Coal Gas, Methane, Ethane, Hydrogen, Oxygen, LPG Gas
Category 3 Corrosive Substances Acetic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Sulphuric Acid
Category 4 Poisonous Substances Ammonia Solutions
Category 5 Substances giving off inflammable vapours Paint, Paint Thinner, Turpentine, Gasoline, Diesel Oils, Kerosene
Category 6 Substances which become dangerous by interaction with water Calcium Phosphide, Sodium Metal
Category 7 Strong supporters of combustion Saltpeter
Category 8 Readily combustible substances Red Phosphorus
Category 9 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion Phosphorus (white or yellow)
Category 9A Combustible goods exempted from Sections 6 to 11 of the DG Ordinance Cotton Waste, Kapok, Polypropylene (raw material)
Category 10 Other dangerous substances Blowing Agents for rubber manufacture

Offenders shall be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the unauthorised conveyance of dangerous goods on board our vessels.

Octopus Monthly Ticket - Conditions Of Use

Definition: All references to “Octopus Monthly Ticket” as hereinafter appearing shall mean all Standard or Personalised Octopus cards which have been encoded with our company's Monthly Ticket Function.

  1. Octopus Monthly Tickets issued are subject to the our company’s terms and conditions and Octopus Cards Limited’s Condition of Issue of Octopus. There will be no refund or replacement of Monthly Ticket if ticket holders breach any of the above mentioned Conditions.
  2. The selling period of the Octopus Monthly Ticket is between the last four days of previous month and the first four days of valid month. Passenger can make the purchase of Monthly Ticket by cash at the Customer and Octopus Service Centres at the Central Pier No.5, Central Pier No.6, Cheung Chau Pier or Mui Wo Pier or via Sun Ferry Mobile App.
  3. The Octopus Monthly Tickets are valid only for the month issued.
  4. Octopus Monthly Tickets entitle ticket holders to make one round-trip of ordinary class of ordinary ferry for specified route(s), which must be completed on the same day. Monthly Ticket holders can choose to upgrade to deluxe class of ordinary ferry or fast ferry, by paying the fare adjustment at the rates on the departure date.
  5. Octopus Monthly Ticket holders should ensure that their Octopus have sufficient value or add sufficient value into the Octopus at our Customer and Octopus Service Centre before paying the fare adjustment at designated gates to board deluxe class or fast ferries. Manual fare adjustment by cash will not be available at all ticketing offices.
  6. Octopus Monthly Ticket holders are required to produce his/her ticket and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. Octopus Monthly Ticket Receipt) for validation or inspection when passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by our staff. Failure to produce shall result in the passenger being liable for paying the full fare.
  7. There will be no refund of the Octopus Monthly Ticket, arising from loss or misuse. Unused trip(s) of Octopus Monthly Ticket is/are non-refundable and non-replaceable under any circumstances (including but not limited to loss and circumstances beyond our company's control such as suspension of service due to the severe weather, labour strike and accidents, etc.). All refunds under other circumstance(s) are at our company’s discretion.
  8. When the Octopus malfunctions, Octopus Monthly Ticket holder(s) must bring that Octopus to our Customer and Octopus Service Centres at Central Pier No.5, Central Pier No.6, Cheung Chau Pier and Mui Wo Pier to apply for re-encoding of the Monthly Ticket Function. If the holder returned the Octopus with our company's Monthly Ticket Function via other transport operators, re-encoding the Monthly Ticket Function is subject to our company’s final approval. The approval process takes around seven working days and the holder must pay full fare by using another Octopus card during the period.
  9. When a Personalised Octopus card or Octopus card with Automatic Add Value Service is lost, Octopus Monthly Ticket holder(s) must report loss to Octopus Cards Limited (Lost Octopus Reporting Service is only applicable to the above-mentioned two types of Octopus). The holder with the lost card proof shall contact our Customer Service representative via Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2131 8181 for the re-encoding of the Monthly Ticket Function as soon as possible.
  10. No priority will be given to Octopus Monthly Ticket holders for boarding or upgrading to deluxe class or fast ferries.

Multi-Ride Ticket - Conditions Of Use

  1. Multi-ride Ticket is encoded in Octopus that includes either 20 trips or 12 trips of Central-Cheung Chau or Central-Mui Wo ferry service, which is equal to 20 times or 12 times of adult single journey fare of ordinary class of ordinary ferry service during weekdays (except Sundays & public holidays) respectively.
  2. The validity period of a Multi-ride Ticket starts at time of purchase completion and lasts for 30 days, inclusive of the date of purchase. Extension of the validity of a Multi-ride Ticket is not available.
  3. The number of trips stored in the Multi-ride Ticket will be deducted once passing through the turnstile and the fare adjustment is paid (if applicable). Multi-ride Ticket holders are entitled to choose to upgrade to deluxe class of ordinary ferries or to fast ferries on weekdays, or take any sailings on Sundays & public holidays, by paying the fare adjustment at the rates on the departure date. Multi-ride Ticket holders should ensure that their Octopus have sufficient value or add sufficient value into the Octopus at our Customer and Octopus Service Centre at Central Pier No. 5, Cheung Chau Pier, Central Pier No. 6 and Mui Wo Pier before paying the fare adjustment. Payment of fare adjustment by cash is not acceptable at all ticketing offices.
  4. The purchase of Multi-ride Ticket could be made via Sun Ferry Mobile App or via self-service devices to be placed at the designated places at Cheung Chau Pier (available from 06:00am to 00:30am of the following day) and Mui Wo Pier (available from 03:40am to 11:30pm). Only Octopus payment is accepted. Receipt will be generated once the purchase completed.
  5. There will be no refund or re-issuance of the unused trip(s) of Multi-ride Ticket under any circumstances (including but not limited to loss/misuse/malfunctioning of the Octopus encoded with Multi-ride Ticket, and/or circumstances beyond the Company's control such as suspension of service due to the severe weather, labour strike and accidents, etc.).
  6. Multi-ride Ticket holders are entitled to use the Passages for Monthly Ticket & Multi-Ride Ticket currently located at Central Pier No. 5 & Cheung Chau Pier or, Central Pier No. 6 & Mui Wo Pier during their operating periods (i.e. every Saturdays, Sundays & public holidays (except the Jiao Festival held on the birthday of the Buddha)). (Remarks: Multi-ride Ticket holders are required to pay the fare adjustment between ordinary class of ordinary ferries and fast ferries at the rates on the departure date when use the Passages for Monthly Ticket & Multi-Ride Ticket.)
  7. Multi-ride Ticket holders are required to produce his/her ticket and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. Multi-ride Ticket Receipt) for validation or inspection when passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by the Company’s staff. Failure to produce shall result in the passenger being liable for the full fare.
  8. No priority will be given to Multi-ride Ticket holders for boarding or upgrading to deluxe class of ordinary ferries or fast ferries.
  9. Our company reserves the right to change the aforesaid terms and conditions without prior notice. In the event of dispute, decisions of our company shall be final.

Holiday Return Ticket - Conditions Of Use

  1. Holiday Return Ticket is only applicable to Central – Cheung Chau or Central – Mui Wo route. The point of departure must be either Cheung Chau or Mui Wo and the return destination must be the same as the departure.
  2. Holiday Return Ticket holder (paid by cash or Octopus) is entitled to one round-trip ferry journey on Central – Cheung Chau or Central – Mui Wo route. Central-bound trip is valid for the current sailing only and will be expired thereafter. Island-bound trip is predetermined to take ordinary class of ordinary ferry. But passengers can choose to upgrade to deluxe class of ordinary ferry or fast ferry on the Island-bound trip, by paying the fare adjustment.
  3. Holiday Return Ticket holder (paid by cash) can upgrade to deluxe class of ordinary ferry or fast ferry by paying the fare adjustment in cash at Central piers. For the Octopus Holiday Return Ticket holder, the fare difference will be deducted automatically when passing through the Octopus Turnstile Gate. Upgrading to deluxe class of ordinary ferry or fast ferry is charged at weekday-fare rate.
  4. Holiday Return Tickets (paid by cash or Octopus) are only available for sale and registered at the registration points on Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays’ Eve & Public Holidays at Cheung Chau Pier or Mui Wo Pier. No advance purchase or registration is available.
  5. Ticket of Island-bound trip is valid from the date of purchase until 12:30am on the second day following the last day of the same public holiday and will be expired thereafter. (Sunday is deemed to be the public holiday.)
  6. Each passenger is entitled to purchase one ticket (paid by cash) each time. Holiday Return Ticket (paid by cash or Octopus) is non-transferable, non-refundable or non-exchangeable under any circumstances (including but not limited to loss, unused journeys and circumstances beyond our company's control such as suspension of service due to the severe weather, labour strike and accidents, etc.).
  7. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Holiday Return Ticket holders have no priority on boarding.

Our company reserves the right to change the aforesaid terms and conditions without prior notice. In the event of dispute, decisions of our company shall be final.

< North Point – Hung Hom > < North Point – Kowloon City >

Points to Note for Taking Ferry

  1. For the sake of safety, fasten seat belts if available. Remain seated until the ferry is completely berthed at the pier to avoid accidents.
  2. Mind your head and pay attention to the movement of the gangplank when boarding or alighting the vessel.
  3. Do not stand on the stairs of the vessels. Hold tightly the handrails when going up and down the stairs to ensure safety.
  4. Smoking and gambling are prohibited onboard.
  5. Keep a clean and quiet cabin, lower your voice and dispose of rubbish into the rubbish bin.

  6. Do not lie or put your feet on the seats, or occupy extra seats.

  7. Fold the baby buggy and place your personal belongings properly to avoid causing blockage of passageway.

General Notes

  1. Please tender exact fare or pay by Octopus. No change will be provided at pier. Fare is non-refundable.
  2. Take the current sailing after entered the gate. Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis; passengers please wait for the next sailing when the current sailing is full.
  3. Please check your change and the details of the freight ticket purchased. Both freight ticket and monthly ticket are non-exchangeable or non-refundable.
  4. Passengers shall pay fare for their pets through the freight ticketing office at North Point Pier (except guide dogs accompanying blind people). Pets must be on a lead or be put into a handy box at pier and on board. Otherwise, boarding will not be allowed. Please do not bring any bird or live poultry onboard.
  5. According to Section 23 “Part II animals (Dogs) to be kept under control” of Chapter 421 [Rabies Ordinance], (1) unless it is on a leash or is otherwise under control, no Part II animal (Dogs) shall be in — (a) a public place; or (b) any place from which it may reasonably be expected to wander into a public place if it is not on a leash or otherwise under control. (2) Where a Part II animal (Dog) is found in any place in contravention of subsection (1) the keeper of the animal and any person who caused, suffered or permitted the animal to be in that place shall each be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine of $10,000. If passenger brings the dog which is not on a leash, boarding will not be allowed.
  6. Pets shall not occupy any seat and put in a handy box/bag whenever feasible.
  7. Smoking and gambling are prohibited on board and at pier.
  8. Children under three years of age, accompanied by an adult and do not occupy a seat, may travel free of charge.
  9. Children aged between three and under twelve years of age shall pay child’s fare. Passenger whose height is of 95cm or above is treated as passenger aged 3 or above, unless otherwise proven by HKID card or equivalent document.
  10. Passenger aged 65 or above paying half fare must produce either HKID card, senior citizen card or equivalent document.
  11. Holders of JoyYou Cards or Elder Octopus, or Holders of Personalised Octopus aged 65 or above can enjoy the concessionary fares of the "Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities" by using the Octopus. The concerned passengers are required to produce his/her Octopus and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. HKID card) for validation or inspection when passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by our staff. Failure to produce the Octopus and/or proof shall result in the passenger being liable for repurchasing a full-fare ticket.
  12. Accompanied travelling case or bag not exceeding 32 in.(W) x 23 in.(H) x 12 in.(D) in size, baby-car and small shopping trolleys are free of freight charge when boarding.  Each passenger shall bring no more than 1 travelling case or bag and follow instruction of company’s staff and properly store their items in designated place. For bringing any freight out of the aforesaid items onboard, passengers shall pay the corresponding freight rate through the freight ticketing office before boarding or leaving North Point Pier.

Concession Fare For Disabled - Conditions Of Use

  1. Passenger with disabilities paying concessionary fare must produce valid “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” issued by Central Registry for Rehabilitation of the HKSAR Government.
  2. Concessionary fare must be settled by cash.

Octopus Monthly Ticket - Conditions Of Use

Definition: All references to “Octopus Monthly Ticket” as hereinafter appearing shall mean all Personalized or Anonymous Octopus cards which have been encoded with a MonthlyTicket Function of our company.

  1. Octopus Monthly Tickets issued are subject to our company’s terms and conditions and Octopus Cards Limited’s Condition of Issue of Octopus.
  2. The Octopus Monthly Tickets are valid only for the month issued.
  3. Octopus Monthly Ticket holders are required to go aboard at specified pier and follow instruction of company’s staff when passing through the turnstile.
  4. Octopus Monthly Tickets are not transferable. No replacement will be issued if the ticket is lost.
  5. Octopus Monthly Ticket holders are required to produce his/her ticket and/or any other documentary proof (e.g. Octopus Monthly Ticket Receipt) for validation or inspectionwhen passing through the turnstiles, or whenever so requested by the company’s staff. Failure to produce shall result in the passenger being liable for the full fare.
  6. There will be no refund of the Octopus Monthly Ticket, arising from loss or misuse.
  7.  When the Octopus malfunctions, Octopus Monthly Ticket holder(s) must present the Octopus and apply for a Temporary Monthly Ticket at our Customer and Octopus Service Centres at North Point Pier with Octopus Monthly Ticket receipt. The Temporary Monthly Ticket should be returned to our company on or before 3rd of the following month, otherwise administration charges will be imposed.
  8. No priority will be given to Octopus Monthly Ticket holders for boarding.
  9. Our company reserves the right to change the aforesaid terms and conditions (including but not limited to terms and conditions) without prior notice. Please check for updates at North Point Pier. In the event of dispute, decisions of our company shall be final.

Freight Management Procedure For Inner Harbour Routes

  1. All freight will be served on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. Passengers shall pay freight rate before boarding or leaving North Point Pier. Freight rate shall be charged in accordance to its freight type or in proportion to the amount and volume (applicable to the freight not listed in the table of our company's Freight Rates for Inner Harbour Ferry Routes). In the event of dispute, decisions of our company should be final.
  3. On the vessel, freight must not be placed on passenger seats, the places reserved for wheel chairs, passageways, in front of the gangplank and in front of engine room door. Passengers must follow the instruction of our staff.
  4. Adequate manpower must be arranged for loading and unloading of freight.
  5. Loading and unloading of freight is not allowed until all passengers have left the ferry.
  6. It is carrier’s liability to protect the freight against loss or damage.

Carriage Of Dangerous Goods On Board

In the interest of safety, passengers who carry or convey the following categories of dangerous goods and/or any other items classified as dangerous goods by the HKSAR Government shall not be allowed to board our ferries.

Categories Classification Examples
Category 1 Explosives Explosive Powder, Fire Cracker
Category 2 Compressed Gases Acetylene, Coal Gas, Methane, Ethane, Hydrogen, Oxygen, LPG Gas
Category 3 Corrosive Substances Acetic Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Sulphuric Acid
Category 4 Poisonous Substances Ammonia Solutions
Category 5 Substances giving off inflammable vapours Paint, Paint Thinner, Turpentine, Gasoline, Diesel Oils, Kerosene
Category 6 Substances which become dangerous by interaction with water Calcium Phosphide, Sodium Metal
Category 7 Strong supporters of combustion Saltpeter
Category 8 Readily combustible substances Red Phosphorus
Category 9 Substances liable to spontaneous combustion Phosphorus (white or yellow)
Category 9A Combustible goods exempted from Sections 6 to 11 of the DG Ordinance Cotton Waste, Kapok, Polypropylene (raw material)
Category 10 Other dangerous substances Blowing Agents for rubber manufacture

Offenders shall be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the unauthorized conveyance of dangerous goods on board our vessels.

Our company reserves the right to change the aforesaid terms and conditions without prior notice. In the event of dispute, decisions of our company shall be final.

See Also